Southwest Foot And Ankle Conference September 23-26, 2021
& Stomp out Billing inefficiencies
PractiSynergy saves you time, money, and the need to worry about your practice’s billing going forward.
Who is PractiSynergy?
Years in Business
Claims Billed
Providers Served
Specialties Served
Why Choose PractiSynergy for Your Practice?
We do a lot of billing for Podiatrists and we understand that billing inefficiencies can be the Achilles heel of your operations. Let us help you stomp them out.
We think our results speak for themselves.
Podiatry Claims Sent
Net Collection Rate
Claims Denials
By partnering with Kareo we’re not only able to keep our commitment to you today, but well into the future.
Being able to leverage the experts on either backend, we can ensure that all of your billing is processed on-time, accurately, and never has to become an issue for you again.
We believe that we’re stronger together, and like they say, two feet are better than one.